Elevate Your Terminal Experience: Making It Cooler with Transparency


2 min read

Elevate Your Terminal Experience: Making It Cooler with Transparency

Photo by Joan Gamell on Unsplash

Have you ever wanted to make your Windows Terminal more visually appealing? Well, you're in luck! Adding transparency to your terminal makes it look cooler and adds a touch of personalization. Here's a simple guide to elevate your terminal experience.

How to Make Your Terminal Transparent:


  • Windows operating system

  • Windows Terminal installed

Let's Get Started:

  1. Open the Terminal settings by pressing CTRL +, or navigate to the settings through the menu.

  2. Open the Settings.json file. You can do this directly from the settings if you have Visual Studio Code (VSCode) or any code text editor installed. Alternatively, you can locate and open the file manually.

  3. In the Settings.json file, search for the defaults section.

  4. Look for the opacity property. To enable transparency, change the opacity value to your desired level. Save the file, and the changes should reflect immediately.

    • 0: Transparent

    • 100: Opaque

      Terminal with opacity value of 20

  5. If you're using Windows 11, you can take it a step further. Look for the useAcrylic property in the defaults section. Enabling this property adds a blur effect to your terminal background. Note that this effect works only when the terminal window is in focus.

    Acrylic Effect for Windows 11


For a more detailed guide and additional tips, check out this resource.

Now, you've turned your terminal into a sleek and transparent workspace. Enjoy your cooler terminal experience! ๐Ÿš€
